春梦记高清完整版A Moment of Romance……极诗意故事却很俗套现在看更是老套但确实能满足男人、女人的江湖浪漫忘记了是不是陈木胜第一部独立作品但真的大佬扶啊“杜琪峰+林岭东+王晶+罗大佑+beyand”吴倩莲那时候也很好看看到结尾字幕才发现《老司机》的国语版叫《桃花.TV直播》原唱都是袁凤瑛了解了一下凤飞飞版《我爱你这是最好的安排 电视剧》是一年后几年三毛加歌词后的唯一的遗憾:配音听原声吴倩莲是配音的听国语又只有吴倩莲一个能听其他都是配音的
The absence of freedom is the presence of death. Any nation or government that deprives an individual of freedom is in that moment committing an act of moral and spiritual murder. Any individual who is not concerned about his freedom commits an act of moral and spiritual suicide. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.